Gemeinschafts Meeting
FICAC unterstützt Kinder in Kampott, im südlichen Kambodscha.
Gemeinschafts Meeting
Meeting um der Gemeinschaft unsere Arbeit zu zeigen
683 CHF
683 CHF bereits ausgegeben
- Die Gemeinschaft versteht besser was wir machen
- Die Unterstützung für FICAC wird gefestigt ...Mehr lesen
- Organisation des Meetings
- Kochen für die Gemeinde
- Second Hand Kleider an die Bauern verteilen
- Die Kinder, ihre Eltern und Gemeindebeamte
Beweggrund des Projektes
- Wir möchten der Gemeinde zeigen, was wir in der letzten Zeit geschaffen haben um die Unterstützung für FICAC zu vergrössern, damit mehr Eltern ihre Kinder zu uns schicken
Amazing to see these images coming in from FISH ISLAND COMMUNITY ARTS CENTRE. We invited community i...Mehr lesenn for an open day and for families to see the progress for the FICAC kids and share in a delicious meal for around 100 guests from local villages. At the same time we launched fish Island Records and a Kickstarter campaign to build FICACs Media Arts school
thank you to all the supporting and to friends and family 🙏 #spendedirekt #Communitymeeting
Amazing to see these images coming in from FISH ISLAND COMMUNITY ARTS CENTRE. We invited community i...Mehr lesenn for an open day and for families to see the progress for the FICAC kids and share in a delicious meal for around 100 guests from local villages. At the same time we launched fish Island Records and a Kickstarter campaign to build FICACs Media Arts school
thank you to all the supporting and to friends and family 🙏 #spendedirekt #Communitymeeting
Amazing to see these images coming in from FISH ISLAND COMMUNITY ARTS CENTRE. We invited community i...Mehr lesenn for an open day and for families to see the progress for the FICAC kids and share in a delicious meal for around 100 guests from local villages. At the same time we launched fish Island Records and a Kickstarter campaign to build FICACs Media Arts school
thank you to all the supporting and to friends and family 🙏 #spendedirekt #Communitymeeting
Amazing to see these images coming in from FISH ISLAND COMMUNITY ARTS CENTRE. We invited community i...Mehr lesenn for an open day and for families to see the progress for the FICAC kids and share in a delicious meal for around 100 guests from local villages. At the same time we launched fish Island Records and a Kickstarter campaign to build FICACs Media Arts school
thank you to all the supporting and to friends and family 🙏 #spendedirekt #Communitymeeting