Essen für die Gemeinschaft

  • FICAC unterstützt Kinder in Kampott, im südlichen Kambodscha.
  • Essen für die Gemeinschaft


    Wir lassen die Kinder 150 Portionen Reis für die Gemeinschaft

  • Gesamtbudget
    350 CHF
    463 CHF bereits ausgegeben
  • Projektziel

  • - Den Kindern das kochen beibringen

    - Essen für die Gemeinschaft bereitstellen ...Mehr lesen
  • Projektaktivitäten

  • - Mit dem Verantwortlichen im Dorf sprechen

    - Alles arrangieren, die Zutaten kaufen

    - Das Essen kochen

    - Das Essen verteilen

    - Mit den Kindern ins Restaurant als Belohung essen gehen
  • Zielgruppe

  • - Die Kinder bei FICAC

    - Die Gemeinschaft
  • Beweggrund des Projektes

  • Wir können den Kindern das Kochen und Respekt beibringen, während wir die Gemeinschaft unterstützten

Here is a picture to show you our FICAC team busy at work preparing and distribution COVID food reli...Mehr lesenef support for our community. We are a small community arts centre but our team is a dedicated group of our junior chefs and volunteers. We work hard to make sure our food is packaged plastic-free, is nutritious and delicious and is delivered in person to the neediest and most vulnerable in our community - this includes frontline health workers, clinics, police stations, prisons, and our local fishing and farming villages. Our young team learn about protecting health, environmental sustainability, kitchen and cuisine, and most of all, sharing and caring at this difficult time. We thank all our supporters, for making our community food program possible.
#Spendedirekt #communityfood #fishislandartscentre #ficac #keksoonkampot #noplastic #cambodia


Here is a video to show you our Fish Island Community Arts Centre (FICAC) team busy at work preparin...Mehr leseng and distribution COVID food relief support for our community. We are a small community centre but our team is a dedicated group of our junior chefs and volunteers. We work hard to make sure our food is packaged plastic-free, is nutritious and delicious, and is delivered in person to the neediest and most vulnerable in our community - this includes frontline health workers, clinics, police stations, prisons, and our local fishing and farming villages. Our young team learns about protecting health, environmental sustainability, kitchen and cuisine, and most of all, sharing and caring at this difficult time. We thank all our supporters, for making our community food initiative possible.
#Spendedirekt #communityfood #fishislandartscentre #ficac #keksoonkampot #noplastic #cambodia
